Classifying players in 6-max No-Limit Hold’em (NLH) into 10 distinct categories is a great way to simplify and analyze their tendencies. Using colors as labels makes it visually intuitive. Below is a suggested classification system based on common player types and their behaviors:

1. Red: Loose Aggressive (LAG)

  • Description: Plays too many hands and bets/raises aggressively.
  • Tendencies: High VPIP (Voluntarily Put Money In Pot), high aggression factor, often bluffs.
  • How to Adjust: Play tighter, value-bet more, and trap them with strong hands.

2. Blue: Tight Aggressive (TAG)

  • Description: Plays fewer hands but is aggressive with strong ranges.
  • Tendencies: Low VPIP, high PFR (Pre-Flop Raise), balanced post-flop play.
  • How to Adjust: Avoid marginal spots, respect their raises, and exploit their tightness by stealing blinds.

3. Green: Passive Fish (Calling Station)

  • Description: Calls too much and rarely takes the initiative.
  • Tendencies: High VPIP, low aggression, loves to call bets.
  • How to Adjust: Value-bet relentlessly, avoid bluffing, and extract maximum value.

4. Yellow: Nit (Ultra-Tight Passive)

  • Description: Plays very few hands and rarely bluffs.
  • Tendencies: Extremely low VPIP, only bets with premium hands.
  • How to Adjust: Steal their blinds frequently, avoid bluffing, and fold to their aggression.

5. Purple: Maniac (Hyper-Aggressive)

  • Description: Bets and raises constantly, often without regard for hand strength.
  • Tendencies: Extremely high aggression, unpredictable, bluffs excessively.
  • How to Adjust: Play tight, let them hang themselves, and call down with strong hands.

6. Orange: Recreational Player (Whale)

  • Description: Inexperienced, makes big mistakes, and plays for fun.
  • Tendencies: High VPIP, erratic betting patterns, often overvalues hands.
  • How to Adjust: Play straightforwardly, target them for big pots, and avoid fancy plays.

7. Pink: Balanced Reg (Solid Regular)

  • Description: Competent player with a balanced strategy.
  • Tendencies: Moderate VPIP, balanced aggression, adjusts well.
  • How to Adjust: Play cautiously, mix up your strategy, and avoid predictable patterns.

8. Gray: Rock (Super Nit)

  • Description: Extremely tight and predictable, only plays premium hands.
  • Tendencies: Very low VPIP, rarely bluffs, folds often.
  • How to Adjust: Steal their blinds relentlessly, avoid confrontations, and fold to their rare aggression.

9. Teal: Aggressive Reg (Thinking Player)

  • Description: Aggressive and capable of adjusting to opponents.
  • Tendencies: Moderate VPIP, high PFR, uses bluffs and balanced ranges.
  • How to Adjust: Play exploitatively, mix up your play, and avoid being predictable.

10. Black: Unknown (Unclassified)

  • Description: New or unobserved player with no clear tendencies.
  • Tendencies: Unknown VPIP, PFR, or aggression.
  • How to Adjust: Play cautiously until you gather more information, then classify them.


Player Type Description Tendencies How to Adjust

Loose Aggressive (LAG)

Plays too many hands and bets/raises aggressively. High VPIP (Voluntarily Put Money In Pot), high aggression factor, often bluffs. Play tighter, value-bet more, and trap them with strong hands.

Tight Aggressive (TAG)

Column 2 Value 2 Column 3 Value 2 Column 4 Value 2

Passive Fish (Calling Station)

Column 2 Value 3 Column 3 Value 3 Column 4 Value 3

Nit (Ultra-Tight Passive)

Column 2 Value 4 Column 3 Value 4 Column 4 Value 4

Maniac (Hyper-Aggressive)

Column 2 Value 5 Column 3 Value 5 Column 4 Value 5

Recreational Player (Whale)

Column 2 Value 6 Column 3 Value 6 Column 4 Value 6

Balanced Reg (Solid Regular)

Column 2 Value 7 Column 3 Value 7 Column 4 Value 7

Rock (Super Nit)

Column 2 Value 8 Column 3 Value 8 Column 4 Value 8

Aggressive Reg (Thinking Player)

Column 2 Value 9 Column 3 Value 9 Column 4 Value 9

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