How to Exploit Winning Poker Players
Main Premise:
Many winning players believe they play optimally, studying solvers like GTO Wizard. However, they have major leaks that can be exploited. This article breaks down how to dismantle winning players, focusing on specific betting patterns and errors they make.
Key Strategies to Exploit Winning Players
1. Range Betting In-Position as the Preflop Raiser
Why? Even winning players make mistakes when facing a range bet.
Common Mistakes:
- Not check-raising flops enough with bluffs.
- Failing to use large check-raises on the turn after flop checks.
- Not overbetting enough when leading turns after flop checks.
Example Hand 1:
- Hand: J ♥J ♦ in the Lowjack vs. Big Blind
- Board: 6 ♠5 ♣3 ♦
- This is not a great board for the preflop raiser.
- In theory: A solver would check 90% of the time.
- In practice: Winning players do not find enough check-raises with hands like:
- K ♦Q ♥ (backdoor flush draw)
- K ♠7 ♥ (gutshot with a backdoor flush)
- Q ♣J ♣ (two overs + backdoor flush)
Since they don’t check-raise correctly, we can range bet even when we shouldn’t in GTO.
2. Playing Out of Position: Adjusting Against Winning Players
- Against fish: Checking our entire range is usually best.
- Against winning players, we adjust:
- Check on boards good for their range.
- Bet on boards good for our range.
Example Hand 2:
- Hand: 8 ♦8 ♥ in the Small Blind
- Board: 6 ♦5 ♣4 ♠ (bad for our range)
- Check instead of betting.
- Winning players over-stab here (bet too much).
- They under-bluff later streets, making it easy to overfold on rivers.
Since they don’t apply the right pressure, we can overfold rivers and avoid tough spots.
3. Check-Raising More in Wide vs. Wide Configurations
Winning players often over-semi-bluff c-bet spots but don't defend well against check-raises.
Example Hand 3:
- Hand: 2 ♦2 ♠ in the Cutoff
- Board: A ♠Q ♦4 ♣
- The Button C-bets small (as expected).
- Exploit: Check-raising a ton here forces them to defend uncomfortably with hands like:
- J ♠J ♣ (pocket Jacks with a spade)
- T ♠T ♦ (pocket Tens with a spade)
- 8 ♠8 ♦ (pocket Eights with a spade)
Why Does This Work?
- Rags (regular players) seem to always c-bet this board, but they're not supposed to.
- If they are c-betting too wide, we exploit by check-raising aggressively.
4. Delayed Gratification: Letting Them Bluff for Us
Sometimes, the best bluff is letting the opponent bet for you.
Example Hand 4:
- Hand: Q ♦T ♦ in the Big Blind
- Board: A ♠J ♣7 ♠8 ♦
- Instead of betting turn, check again.
- If villain bets, now check-raise massively.
- If they check back turn, bomb the river.
- If they bet turn, they're often capped at one-pair hands.
- If they check turn, their range is weak, allowing a massive river overbet to work.
5. Overfolding in Key Spots Where Even Winning Players Under-Bluff
Even strong players tend to under-bluff in four specific situations:
- Ace-High Boards in 4-Bet Pots
- Spots where 200BB+ go in postflop
- Tight configurations (early vs. early)
- Triple barrels in four-bet pots
Example Hand 5:
- Hand: Q ♣Q ♥ in a 4-Bet Pot
- Board: 8 ♠6 ♣3 ♥9 ♦2 ♠
- Villain bets small on flop, barrels turn, shoves river.
Exploit: Just fold. Why?
- They are supposed to bluff with hands like K ♣J ♠.
- But they often don’t four-bet these hands in the first place!
- So, by the river, they don’t have enough bluffs.
Lesson: Overfold in 4-bet pots and 200BB spots.
6. Overcalling in Spots Where They Over-Bluff
Best spots to call more often:
- Wide configurations (Button vs. Big Blind)
- Double Broadway boards (Q-T-4, K-J-9)
- Small and medium pots where they feel “safe” bluffing
Example Hand 6:
- Hand: A ♠6 ♠ in the Big Blind
- Board: K ♣9 ♦7 ♠Q ♠
- Villain c-bets small.
- Double barrels large.
- Triple barrels the river.
Exploit: Call down.
- They have too many natural bluffs (missed straight draws, weak top pairs, etc.).
- Their best hands would have raised earlier.
Lesson: Winning players over-bluff in wide vs. wide spots on double Broadway boards.
Final Takeaways
- Even winning players have predictable, exploitable leaks.
- Adjust your strategy depending on whether they overfold, overbluff, or underbluff.
- Use solvers, but understand real-world deviations.
How to Exploit Winning Poker Players
Main Premise:
Many winning players believe they play optimally, studying solvers like GTO Wizard. However, they have major leaks that can be exploited. This article breaks down how to dismantle winning players, focusing on specific betting patterns and errors they make.
Key Strategies to Exploit Winning Players
1. Range Betting In-Position as the Preflop Raiser
Why? Even winning players make mistakes when facing a range bet.
Common Mistakes:
- Not check-raising flops enough with bluffs.
- Failing to use large check-raises on the turn after flop checks.
- Not overbetting enough when leading turns after flop checks.
Example Hand 1:
- Hand: J ♥J ♦ in the Lowjack vs. Big Blind
- Board: 6 ♠5 ♣3 ♦
- This is not a great board for the preflop raiser.
- In theory: A solver would check 90% of the time.
- In practice: Winning players do not find enough check-raises with hands like:
- K ♦Q ♥ (backdoor flush draw)
- K ♠7 ♥ (gutshot with a backdoor flush)
- Q ♣J ♣ (two overs + backdoor flush)
Since they don’t check-raise correctly, we can range bet even when we shouldn’t in GTO.
2. Playing Out of Position: Adjusting Against Winning Players
- Against fish: Checking our entire range is usually best.
- Against winning players, we adjust:
- Check on boards good for their range.
- Bet on boards good for our range.
Example Hand 2:
- Hand: 8 ♦8 ♥ in the Small Blind
- Board: 6 ♦5 ♣4 ♠ (bad for our range)
- Check instead of betting.
- Winning players over-stab here (bet too much).
- They under-bluff later streets, making it easy to overfold on rivers.
Since they don’t apply the right pressure, we can overfold rivers and avoid tough spots.
3. Check-Raising More in Wide vs. Wide Configurations
Winning players often over-semi-bluff c-bet spots but don't defend well against check-raises.
Example Hand 3:
- Hand: 2 ♦2 ♠ in the Cutoff
- Board: A ♠Q ♦4 ♣
- The Button C-bets small (as expected).
- Exploit: Check-raising a ton here forces them to defend uncomfortably with hands like:
- J ♠J ♣ (pocket Jacks with a spade)
- T ♠T ♦ (pocket Tens with a spade)
- 8 ♠8 ♦ (pocket Eights with a spade)
Why Does This Work?
- Rags (regular players) seem to always c-bet this board, but they're not supposed to.
- If they are c-betting too wide, we exploit by check-raising aggressively.
4. Delayed Gratification: Letting Them Bluff for Us
Sometimes, the best bluff is letting the opponent bet for you.
Example Hand 4:
- Hand: Q ♦T ♦ in the Big Blind
- Board: A ♠J ♣7 ♠8 ♦
- Instead of betting turn, check again.
- If villain bets, now check-raise massively.
- If they check back turn, bomb the river.
- If they bet turn, they're often capped at one-pair hands.
- If they check turn, their range is weak, allowing a massive river overbet to work.
5. Overfolding in Key Spots Where Even Winning Players Under-Bluff
Even strong players tend to under-bluff in four specific situations:
- Ace-High Boards in 4-Bet Pots
- Spots where 200BB+ go in postflop
- Tight configurations (early vs. early)
- Triple barrels in four-bet pots
Example Hand 5:
- Hand: Q ♣Q ♥ in a 4-Bet Pot
- Board: 8 ♠6 ♣3 ♥9 ♦2 ♠
- Villain bets small on flop, barrels turn, shoves river.
Exploit: Just fold. Why?
- They are supposed to bluff with hands like K ♣J ♠.
- But they often don’t four-bet these hands in the first place!
- So, by the river, they don’t have enough bluffs.
Lesson: Overfold in 4-bet pots and 200BB spots.
6. Overcalling in Spots Where They Over-Bluff
Best spots to call more often:
- Wide configurations (Button vs. Big Blind)
- Double Broadway boards (Q-T-4, K-J-9)
- Small and medium pots where they feel “safe” bluffing
Example Hand 6:
- Hand: A ♠6 ♠ in the Big Blind
- Board: K ♣9 ♦7 ♠Q ♠
- Villain c-bets small.
- Double barrels large.
- Triple barrels the river.
Exploit: Call down.
- They have too many natural bluffs (missed straight draws, weak top pairs, etc.).
- Their best hands would have raised earlier.
Lesson: Winning players over-bluff in wide vs. wide spots on double Broadway boards.
Final Takeaways
- Even winning players have predictable, exploitable leaks.
- Adjust your strategy depending on whether they overfold, overbluff, or underbluff.
- Use solvers, but understand real-world deviations.